Can we put this to rest? “ Reminds one of Einstein’s definition of insanity: repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome each time.”

(1) It’s not the definition of insanity. (2) Einstein never said it.

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John I do recommend crabapple whiskey. Here’s base recipe https://www.abelandcole.co.uk/recipes/crab-apple-whisky which I use each year. Apart from halving the little apples it’s low hassle. I recommend adding a cinnamon stick and three cloves but do experiment. Frustrating at the start because you must wait a year for the full calvados style flavour to develop. Once in the rhythm however making it an annual event generates a supply(!) of a really pleasant digestif. Given the amount of fruit we get from a much younger tree than you I can still easily make two 1.5lL Kilmer jars full - just increase recipe pro-rata. Incidentally crabapple rum also works well. Cheers!

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