John, thanks for taking the time and trouble to compile this blog every day. It is one of the few things I read in its entirety and almost always find something of real insight. Happy New Year to you too. Harry
Thank you for taking the time to write your blog. I do enjoy practically every aspect of it , your photos , quotes and long reads. I do tend to check out your occasional book recommendations and just have just finished 2034, which I thought was very good, I also enjoy your Observer column very much. So thank you again and may I wish you a happy and healthy NewYear. Kindest regards Joanne
John, thanks for taking the time and trouble to compile this blog every day. It is one of the few things I read in its entirety and almost always find something of real insight. Happy New Year to you too. Harry
Thank you for taking the time to write your blog. I do enjoy practically every aspect of it , your photos , quotes and long reads. I do tend to check out your occasional book recommendations and just have just finished 2034, which I thought was very good, I also enjoy your Observer column very much. So thank you again and may I wish you a happy and healthy NewYear. Kindest regards Joanne